Omnia. Network packet brokers

Omnia. Network packet brokers

Power & Versatility for any Enterprise.

The Omnia series leverages Cubro’s experience in Network Visibility and Monitoring, creating a lineup of purpose-driven hardware paired with software feature stacks developed over years of engineering. This approach offers customers greater choice, more functionality, and flexibility to tailor features to a specific need. The different products in Omnia Series include the Omnia10 (earlier known as EXA8) and expands on the hardware capabilities with the Omnia20 and Omnia120 featuring higher port density, ports speeds, and performance.

Each piece of hardware is designed to incorporate features from Cubro’s PacketMaster and SessionMaster feature stacks, functions coming direct from Cubro’s line of network packet brokers and advanced, next-gen packet brokers, respectively. Omnia also introduces the AppMaster feature stack, a full-featured Ubuntu Linux operating system allowing users to run additional applications. These applications come from a diverse ecosystem including applications developed by Cubro, our AppMaster partners, and packages from the Linux open-source community.

Explore Omnia Feature Stacks:

  • The PacketMaster feature stack incorporates all the functions a user would expect to find in a classic Network Packet Broker and indeed, owes its foundation to Cubro’s Packetmaster line of products. The PacketMaster stack is focused on traffic aggregation, replication, and OSI Layer 2 through 4 filtering and modification. This includes functions such as Any to Many or Many to Any traffic forwarding, filtering, and blocking, header modification and stripping, Session-Aware Load-Balancing, tunnel termination and more. For more information see the complete PacketMaster feature list.
  • The SessionMaster feature stack draws on Cubro’s cutting-edge Advanced Network Packet Broker designs and handles traffic at OSI Layer 5 and beyond. Functions include Traffic Deduplication, Keyword search, Data Masking and more. In today’s networks, it is no longer sufficient to filter traffic at L2-4 in many scenarios. SessionMaster features grant the deep visibility necessary for cutting-edge deployments. For more information see the complete SessionMaster feature list.
  • The AppMaster feature stack provides a full Linux environment to run applications from Cubro, our partners, as well as custom software, and various open-source projects. With access to traffic from the PacketMaster and SessionMaster stacks, the potential use cases are endless. AppMaster on the Omnia platform could potentially replace the functionality of an entire rack of appliances in a single unit.

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